II Corinthians 3:17 (KJV) – Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

The community we serve is in need of a fruit-bearing, relationship with Christ. We are looking to be the bridge that connects the streets to the church. Our leaders are committed to developing members of the church and equipping them for evangelism outside of the church. This generation and community has a lot of questions and we are here to answer them.
It is by our fruit that people will know we follow Jesus. Join the movement as we continue to build God’s Kingdom! Remember, we are all called to bear good fruit.
Looking to attend? Check out times below.
- Morning Service 11:00 a.m.
- Prayer Meeting Tuesday’s 6:00p
- Bible Study Tuesday’s 6:30p
- Prayer Line – Tuesday’s 7a | CALL IN # – 267-807-9601 | PIN: 830547
10125 E. 30th Street Indianapolis, IN 46229
The mission of the New Liberty Missionary Baptist Church is to foster an environment conducive to preaching, praising and praying to God in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
We will strive to do the work of the church under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the guidance of the Holy Spirit that God may be glorified and His body edified.
We, therefore, commit to:
- Evangelizing in our community (Go ye, therefore)
- Educating our members and others of the atoning work of Jesus Christ (Teach all nations)
- Enrolling new converts (Baptizing them in the name of God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son and the precious Holy Spirit)
- Evaluating, examining and modifying our methods without compromising our message (Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you)
- Encouraging and edifying one another (Lo I am with you always even unto the end of the world)

New Liberty Church was established in was established in September 1914 by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Crawford and Rev. W.W.Wines. Members began meeting for prayer at the home of the Crawfords. After several months, the church rented a storeroom and had church in borrowed chairs from Morgan Funeral Home. The church was known as Independence Mission until 1915. The church’s first pastor, Rev. TJ Franklin was called in 1915 and renamed New Liberty Missionary Baptist Church. The first elected officers were elected in 1915 as Deacons and Trustees.
In 1927 – Rev Godfrey Andrews became Pastor. He organized the first church choices with 9 members. The church moved in 1937 to 718 N. WestStreet.
In 1950 – Rev Walter Starks became Pastor. The church moved to 714 N. West Street.
In 1953 – Rev Albert Preston became Pastor. Deacon John Steward as appointed as Deacons and the church purchased its first parsonage at 4020 N. New Jersey.
In 1982 – Rev David Braxton became Pastor and church moved to this location, 130 W. 19th Street. Trustee Hamitor was appointed under Rev. Braxton who pastored New Liberty until 1998.
Rev Joseph Jones pastored from 2000-2005. Rev Douglas Tate pastored from 2005-2007. Rev Chris Woods pastored from 2007 until 2010.
On December 2011 – Rev Darrell Brooks, was called to New Liberty and continues to serve today. Pastor Brooks has established a culture of preaching, praising and praising. He challenged the church to honor God and the church covenant with focuses on Evangelize, Educate, Enroll, Evaluate and Encourage. Pastor Brooks appointed Mother Nibbs and Mansfield as mothers. New Liberty is committed to the Capital City Fellowship Association, Indiana Baptist State Convention, and Kingdom Connection Fellowship.