Life is hard…Tap in

by newliberty
I have discovered this principle of life—that when I want to do what is right, I inevitably do what is wrong. Romans 7:21 NLT
Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives. Galatians 5:25 NLT
I am a Gemini. My birthday is June 10th, pretty much right in the middle of the window which may explain a lot if you have ever interacted with me. If you know anything about zodiac signs, you know that Gemini’s are claimed to have dual personalities. Hot one minute, cold the next. Social in some situations, shy in others. Sometimes direct and decisive, other times indifferent. I try not to get too deep into zodiacs and I know some may be thinking “how can you be a Christian and believe in zodiac signs”. My answer is, did not God create the stars in the sky? So…conversation for another day, but my point in bringing this up is that I will admit to having internal battles.
For the most part I know the right things to do, however sometimes I just don’t (or can’t) do them. I know that I should be nicer to people, more tolerant. I even give myself pep talks when I know I will be dealing with difficult folks in difficult situations. But just as you would guess, something triggers my attitude to kick in and nice goes out the window. I know that I should spend more time in personal devotions, but as you would guess, something comes up during the time I set aside to study. I also want to forgive and let go when I feel betrayed and disappointed, but as you would guess, the situation plays over and over in mind, not allowing me to forget.
Like many of us, I could go on and on about things I should and want to improve. Some of us want to go back to school, some want to love more, some want to give more, some want to not spend as much money. Some of us want to let go of toxic people and environments. But we can’t! We want to be great but life gets hard! Continuing to throw us curve balls and derailing our plans. Whatever best laid plans and intentions we have, we must realize we can’t do any of these things alone. Throughout the books of the New Testament, especially Romans and Galatians, Paul provides an explanation for this. He informs us that no matter what we want to do, there is a spirit, a principle, a rule that basically forces us to do wrong (Rom 7:21). Like the Gemini feeling I get, Paul explains that two forces, sinful nature and the Holy Spirit, are constantly fighting each other, so we are not free to carry out our good intentions. (Gal 5:17). The only way to combat these dualing forces is to allow the Holy Spirit to guide us. (Gal 5:25). We have to TAP INTO the tools that God has given us.
Before we set our goals, pray that God’s visions for our lives be made plain. That our will aligns with His and for the Holy Spirit to guide us.
When we struggle with making the right decisions or moving in the right direction, take a time out. Stop in the moment and pray for guidance and strength from the Holy Spirit.
As we struggle with forgiveness and acceptance, remember that God has granted us mercy and grace. Pray for the ability to extend the same by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Not only must we pray, we actually have to want to be better. We must have faith, believing God has a plan for our lives and expecting expecting Him to respond and guide us. We must take time to hear and truly listen. God sent us Jesus. Jesus left us with the Holy Spirit. With His Spirit, we have a Power inside of us. A Power to overcome sin and weakness. A Power to move forward and be better. Lets trust the Power!
No matter what. Be better. Grow stronger. Be free. Tap in!
Peace. Blessings. Love.
Lady Z
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Amen, my friend! This truly spoke to me. Praying more that God’s vision is made plain!
Thank you for reading. Praying with you!