Women’s Day Declaration

by newliberty
After I spoke for our Women’s Day event, I led the women in this declaration! Hope this blesses you as it blessed me!
I declare in the name of Jesus that…
My heart is experiencing a great awakening to my purpose
This is my season to live in God’s ordained destiny
I will arise as a mighty women of God from the depression and exhaustion
I will arise from fear and embrace the courage of the Lord
I will not cower back in complacency or insecurity
I will awaken from slumber and indifference
I break every religious spirit that has pushed me to the background
I loose confusion into every plan and demonic conspiracy to keep me silent
Let every dormant gift, talent and anointing be awakened inside of me
I declare in the name of Jesus …
I am significant
I will arise and let my voice be heard
I will rise to a new life and redeem the time of every wasted year
I will not allow a lazy, slothful spirit to control me
This is a season when old things are passing away and all things are being made new
This is a time when my God-given dreams and aspirations will come to fruition
I declare in the name of Jesus …
I will answer the call of God
I shake myself free from apathy and lack of concern
There is a new level of urgency and passion for purpose arising in me
I will use my life and resources to accomplish great things for the Lord
I will capitalize on every opportunity to fulfill my destiny
I am a woman filled with the Holy Spirit
I will encourage the next generation of godly women
The Lord validates me. He has called me.
Spoken by: Lady Z Speaks
Book: The Esther Anointing – Michelle McClain-Walters
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