Personal Growth

by newliberty
Personal Growth
Inside – Out
Galatians 6:4-7 – Carefully examine yourself. Don’t be impressed with yourself. You shall reap what you sow
Phil 2:12 – Work out your own soul’s salvation
The “Inside-Out” approach to personal and interpersonal effectiveness means to start first with self; even more fundamentally, to start with the most inside part of self — with your paradigms, your character, and your motives.
You Can’t Lead Your Personal or Professional Life at a Higher Level Than You Are Leading Yourself
- Proactive vs Reactive
- Flexible and Adaptable
- Good Communicator
- Respectful
- Quiet Confidence
- Enthusiastic
- Open Minded
- Resourceful
- Open to Change
- Initiative
- Win/Win- mutually beneficial, takes high courage and high consideration of others, quite rare.
- Win/Lose- authoritarian approach, very common.
- Lose/Win- people who are quick to appease or please, popularity.
- Lose/Lose- results when two win/lose people get together, vindictive.
- Win- when there is no sense of competition, securing your own ends, most common.
- Win/Win or No Deal- no agreement if both parties do not win..
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